The U.S Coronado State chooses Removable Security Bollards from Ultra Secure Direct based in the UK to increase Security to the 4th of July Parade Against Vehicle Attacks
In light of recent attacks where terrorists have driven a vehicle into a crowd of people, Coronado is adding a layer of security to its Fourth of July celebration.
Three-hundred and fifty security bollards will be placed around the parade route starting at 8 a.m. on the Fourth. Bollards are metal poles that block vehicle access.
The bollards will replace Police barricades and vehicles that were used in years’ past to block the parade route.
“Public safety is our number one priority,” Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey said. “These are a physical barrier that will prevent any car, any truck from entering the parade route where there will be hundreds of thousands of people.”
Mayor Bailey also said the lids to trash cans have been removed to prevent people from hiding any packages or explosives inside.
In the past, one full block on either side of Orange was closed. With the bollards, those streets will be closed from Orange to the alley entrances and the alleys will remain open.
The bollards will be removed following the parade.
The Removable Steel Bollards are supplied in various colour schemes, Coronado selected the highly visible Yellow version, but other options include Black, White & Green.
They Bollards can also be supplied with side mounted Eyelets allowing the use of Chain & Rope to increase Security.
The Bollards are supplied with ground based that are fixed into the ground using cement allowing them to be locked into place using Padlocks.
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These Bollards can be purchased from Ultra Secure Direct, if you require advice please Contact Us by Phone or Email.