By following some Logical Basic Rules & Security Tips (listed below) can reduce the odds of a Burglar being just unable to resist at an attempted Burglary whilst you are away.
Author Archives: Mark Walter
Know access Burglars use to Break into Homes – Make it Hard for them Now !!
Burglars can strike at any time, the most common times are from around 10 am – 2 pm (Monday – Friday) or 1 am – 4 am, standard House Burglaries are just as likely (if not more) to be targeted between the 10 am & 2 pm slot during the week (if they think the occupant’s are at work).
Knowing what access Burglars often use to Break into your Home helps you to make it a lot Harder for Them – Act Now !!
Feeling that our Family, Home & Belongings are Secure may be something we rarely think about, normally until it is too late.
When we leave our homes, we mostly (not always) remember to lock the front door (as we are often late rushing out to work or an appointment) whilst often forgetting that we have left a window open, a garage or back doors unlocked, the rear or side Gate open.
On a wider note we may have been so busy recently that we have let the Hedges or Trees at the front or back of the House grow to big, left the rear or side unlocked, or even worse jammed Open (inviting potential Burglars in).
Knowing what Areas may be used by Burglars can help concentrate your Mind, Time & Budget in putting some basic Crime Prevention into place.
Front Door:
It is not unusual for Burglars to walk in through a Front Door (often unlocked), there first trick is to ring the Bell, if there is an answer then they will simply give the person answering some verbal baloney about being at the wrong house or trying to sell them something.
Be aware that Burglars don’t all wear black hats and balaclavas, they are just as likely to be dressed up as a Salesperson.
If there is no answer they will try the the Door (hoping it is unlocked), if locked they may have a look around for a hidden Key (under a plant pot, stone etc), they may also be tempted to try to pick or force the lock (especially if the Door is not overlooked) such as in a Remote location, overgrown hedge or tree covering the view from all neighbours.
If they now believe the House is empty (because the door wasn’t answered) but the Front Door is Secure, they may then be tempted to have a look at ground floor windows, have any been left partially open or do any of them look in poor condition making it highly possible they could be forced open, especially if one of these windows is not overlooked (for the same reasons as mentioned previously).
Make it hard for them to walk around the side or rear of the house to look at these windows, where possible always lock the windows.
Having Alarm sensors on the windows (magnetic contacts or vibration sensors) which can trigger an Alarm if and when they try to force the window can be a great deterrent, or placing a visible Sensor (PIR) or Camera inside the room will often deter the Burglar.
Back Door:
Back Doors are one of the Burglars favourites, often not easily overlooked giving them plenty of time to work on them (picking the lock or pure force).
Get in the habit of checking this door before leaving home, add additional security that works from the inside (some really cheap and easy devices are readily available) if you do not use this door as your main access door.
Some recommendations are listed below:
- Fit a Wireless Driveway Alarm with one or more Sensors covering the back door and approach, these can be supplied with Indoor Receivers (that can be located within hearing range of the back door) or External Receivers (that can trigger Sirens, Buzzers & Lights).
- Fit a Security Camera (there are wi-fi models that will not only record but will also contact you via your Mobile Phone).
- If budgets are tight, fit a good quality Dummy Camera.
- Fit a Floodlight above the Door that also has a hidden Camera and built in Chime or Siren.
Garage & Sheds:
These are very common targets, basically they are normally easier targets for the Burglar with very little risk of getting caught (working on the risk and reward mindset of a Burglar which can be viewed here).
You can find advice about Shed & Garage Security devices within these links.
The same standard advice for the House is just as relevant for the Garage & Sheds, keep Doors & Windows locked, keep Bushes & Trees trimmed, use Outside & Inside Alarms & CCTV Cameras.
- Make sure bushes are trimmed back so that there are fewer places for criminals to hide.
- Cut off any tree limbs that are near or next to second-floor windows, because burglars are often unafraid to climb up trees and use their branches to enter your house.
- Use Security Lighting in appropriate locations.
- Service your Alarm & Camera systems (and use them).
- Fit affordable Warning Signs around the property (and keep them clean).
- Keep Door & Windows Locked.
- Refrain from telling the world through Social Media you and your Family are on Holiday.
- Don’t be afraid to keep TV or Radios on low top make it look like you are at home (low cost devices can be purchased to do this).
- Be alerted if strange people start knocking on the door, remember burglars very rarely walk around with a mask and striped outfit, don’t tell them anything and don’t let them inside or even into your garden.
- Keep in mind the access Burglars would potentially use to Break In as you are making changes to your Home or Garden.
There are many Companies that supply DIY Security Products & Free Advice, Contact Ultra Secure Direct to Discuss !!
Renters DIY Security Systems – Can We Fit One – Why Not
We often get asked if people can actually fit Security Alarms, Cameras & other devices into the Home or Office they are Renting, many Renters are reluctant or nervous about doing so in case the Landlord complains about any potential damage or mess.
Our answer is WHY NOT !!, you have a right to protect your Family & Property just as much as home owners.
There are now many simple and effective Security options that can be purchased, which do not involve any more fitting than hanging a Picture on the Wall.
Examples of devices that can be used are:
- Battery Alarms: There are a multitude of Battery Alarms that are powered by Battery and the only fitting that is required at most is a few screws into the wall, these Alarms can include Loud Sirens, or the ability to Call or Text Key-holders when Triggered.
- Alarms powered by 3-pin Plugs: There are many Wireless Alarm Kits that are powered by a simple 3-pin Plug together with built in back up batteries (so no issues if an Intruder turns the power supply off), the Installation is really a few wall screws and to fit the 3-pin Transformer into a suitable wall socket, many of these will also Call or Text Key-holders. The Wireless accessories can be mounted with a minimum of small wall screws or double sided tape.
- Cameras: There are Indoor & Outdoor Wi-fi or 4G Cameras that can be powered by either Battery (with or without a Solar Panel) or by using a 3-pin Plug in Transformer (therefore Installation is again just a few wall screws at most).
- Covert Cameras: There are Covert Cameras that can be hidden in all types of ways now, many do not even need fitting onto a Wall, examples would be Cameras hidden inside a Light Bulb, Clock etc.
- Outdoor Game Cameras: There are various Outdoor Battery powered Game Cameras that can be hidden in a Garden or other location as temporary Security, these can be used to obtain Video evidence, some will also send Photo’s to the Key-holders when they are triggered at certain times of the day (times when movement should be seen by the Camera).
- Floodlight Cameras: There are Wi-fi Cameras that are built into a Outdoor Floodlight, so these are no different to fitting a Security Light Outside your Rented property (which most Land Lords shouldn’t have an issue with), but they provide all the features of Wi-fi CCTV Systems. Installation is using a mains supply and a few mounting Screws.
- TV or Computer Simulators: These low cost devices simulate a person watching TV or using a Computer, installation is simply plugging the device into a wall socket (no drilling, no screws).
- Dog Barking Alarms: There are Alarms that simply sit inside your Front Door, and will simulate a Dog Barding if a person is detected outside the Door, the Installation of these devices is again just plugging them into a suitable 3-pin Wall socket (no screws, no drilling).
Protecting the Rented property will also help the Landlords as it will help to keep their Property Safer and less likely to be Vandalised. You can even think about expanding your efforts and add monitoring for Fire or Floods (which can only be of benefit to Landlords). Why not try to negotiate a discount with the Landlord for doing this, they take enough from you.
There are various Companies that supply these DIY Security Systems (most can be found online), if you are not sure what to do Contact them to ask for Free Advice, Ultra Secure Direct are always willing to supply Free, No Obligation Advice.
One Common Question we get Asked – Do Alarms Deter Burglars
Do Alarms Deter Burglars – In most cases the answer is Yes, they can only Help, the more you make a potential Burglar think about the risk they may be taking then the more chance is that they may move onto a potentially easier target (sad but true).
There are many Anti Burglar devices on the market today, some can be quite complex (and in many cases require professional installation) down to lots of DIY Security products that can be very affordable, easy to fit and very effective.
Visual Deterrents:
These come in many forms including:
- Outdoor Working Sirens & Flashing Strobes (sirens come in many forms).
- Outdoor Dummy Sirens & Flashing Strobes (these will make it look as if there is a working alarm at your property).
- Working CCTV Cameras (these provide a visual deterrent together with giving owners the comfort of being able to Safely monitor their property from Home or Away).
- Dummy CCTV Cameras (these will make a potential Burglar think that there may be CCTV on site).
- Dummy Alarm Sensors (these can be a great addition, placing them in positions that make it look as if you have been trying to conceal them will make potential Burglars Think).
- Real Alarm Sensors (outdoor working alarm sensors as found with Driveway Alarms which can be a great first or second line of defence to your property, highly recommended).
- Outdoor Flood Lights (with or without hidden Camera’s, some lights also have an audible sound as the light comes, as and when a visitor is detected, which can be a great option).
- Large Clear Signage (warning Alarms, CCTV or Dogs, making potential Burglars at least think Security has been considered).
- Discreet Signage & Window Labels (these will also inform a potential Intruder that Crime Prevention has been considered and may be in use).
- Indoor Lights Staying On or Coming On using a Timer (this makes it look as if someone is inside the building, especially using a timer).
- TV or Computer Simulators (these very affordable devices make it look as if someone is inside the property watching TV or using a Computer).
Audible Deterrents:
Just as effective as Visual deterrents can be Audible Sounds from Outside and Inside your Property, often more effective (recommended) when used in conjunction with one or more Visual Deterrents as listed above, the options include:
- Dogs Barking (there are dog barking machines that will detect a person outside your door and replicate a dog barking, which are very simple but effective deterrents).
- Driveway Alarms (using subtle sounds from inside the House, Garage or Shed by using a simple Wireless Receiver is unusual and unique, but very effective).
- Driveway & Perimeter Alarms with Outdoor Receivers (these are new to the market and can be very effective and recommended, using one or more outdoor Detectors wirelessly connected to an Outdoor Receiver results in a Burglar or Visitor being aware they have been Detected, one or more different Sound devices can be used to suit each application).
- A Radio (or similar) being left ON inside the property (using a timer can be even more effective but some modern devices may not automatically turn on using a timer, this needs to be checked).
- Speech Alerts (some devices can be used to play a pre-recorded message to visitors upon being detected, the messages could be informational giving directions or opening times or in the form of a Clear Warning that they should not be in this location at this time).
There are many Suppliers and Installers where information and advice can be obtained including our team at Ultra Secure Direct where we are more than happy to give Free & Honest Advice.
Sensible DIY Garage Alarms Advice by Ultra Secure 2022
Fitting a Garage Alarm can be an easy and quick solution to help protecting your valuable goods inside.
Garages nearly always store valuable goods of some type, either in pure financial or sentimental terms, these often include Power & Hand Tools, Push Bikes, Lawnmowers, Gold Clubs, Fishing Equipment & Gardening Equipment, all of which lend themselves to easily being carried during the theft, and just as easy to sell at the local Car Boot Sale or the online platforms such as eBay & Gumtree.
Sometimes the Tools have built up over many years and are nearly impossible to replace with like for like.
Garages are also often targeted by Burglars because of the potential value of these goods inside and perfect when working on the ‘Risk & Reward’ concept.
Risk & Reward:
This thought process cannot be understated (it is what most if not all Burglars will be thinking) even if they do not know it:
- What Risk am I taking breaking into this building (possible not Locked or Alarmed, potentially having weak Doors, Windows & Locks, often not Overlooked and with at least one Easy Escape Route, often more).
- What potential Financial Reward will (could) I achieve (Push Bikes, Hand & Power Tools, Lawnmowers, Gold Clubs, Fishing Equipment & Gardening Equipment) all with an irresistible easy profit with no or little traceability.
What do you want from an Alarm (options include):
- Sirens inside the Garage.
- Sirens outside the Garage.
- Sirens both inside & outside the Garage.
- Sirens inside a nearby House (with or without sirens around the Garage).
- Silent (apart from to the owners or key-holders).
- Phone & Text Call to you and other key-holders (with or without sirens around the Garage).
Type of Sensors:
The two most common Alarm Sensors used inside a Garage are:
- PIR’s (these infrared sensors will pick up a sudden change in temperature within its view, this can be caused by a Person suddenly walking into the Shed, but also could be triggered by Rats or Mice climbing past the PIR or a sudden Heat source (for example a Sun Rise coming through a Window).
- Magnetic Contact (these are used to monitor a Door or Window being opened, ideal for applications where there is a chance of small animals being present).
Other options can be:
- Vibration Sensors (these pick up a violent vibration through a door or window, ideal to activate an Alarm before Burglars have gained access into the Garage, but can be prone to false Alarms if the device cannot be adjusted for sensitivity to suit loose fitting Doors or Windows).
- Pressure Mats (it is possible with some Alarms to hide a pressure Mat just inside the Door of a Garage, these can suit some types of applications).
Quantity of Sensors:
Most Garages will only require one, two or three Alarm Sensors, the most common being a PIR inside the Garage and a Door Contact covering the main access Door.
Some larger Garages or Garages with internal dividing walls may require more Sensors, as could a Garage with additional vulnerable Windows or Doors.
Where to fit the Sensors:
- PIR’s (these are best fitted into the corner of a Garage looking across the Garage and Entrance Door (at about 45 degrees), but importantly facing away from any windows (especially if the window is prone to a sudden Sun rise) and not above a Heating source (heater) that could automatically turn On during Winter.
- Door Contact (the best place to fit a Magnetic Sensor onto the Door or Window in most applications is on the top of the door about 1/3 in from the hinge, this reduces movement of a door being blown around by a strong wind but is sensitive enough to not allow a person to squeeze through a partially opened door, click here to view a previous post).
- Floor Mat (most people would fit one of these under an existing floor mat just inside the Entrance).
- Vibration Sensors (the secret here is to fit the sensor in a location that will feel the vibration if the Door or Window is attacked, but not in a position where a strong wind would be detected, normally towards the corned of the Door or Window would be best.
Power Supply:
Garage Alarms can be powered by either a Plug in Transformers, Batteries or Solar Power these days, if no power is easily available then Battery Alarms are now very Good & Reliable.
Phone & Text Calls:
If you want the Alarm to contact you and other key-holders when it is triggered, then the most efficient way is to use a GSM Alarm, these operate using a mobile phone SIM card which are inserted into the main Alarm device.
The SIM Card will have its own Phone Number which you would normally add to the contacts on your own mobile phone (calling it Garage Alarm for example), if it Calls or sends a Text, you will immediately know what device is contacting you.
Important: the SIM Card will not normally require Data, just Text & Calls which will reduce the cost of the type of contract you choose (check with the supplier of the Alarm) !!
Covert ?
If you choose a GSM Alarm, you can find products that double up as the PIR and the GSM Dialler (which reduces the cost) or find Covert models which allow you to hide the most important and valuable part of the Alarm away out of sight.
We would normally recommend (if your budget can run to it) using the Covert type of GSM Alarm, so you can hide the Dialler away out of sight and harms way, these can be hidden in a multitude of places inside a Garage. This is important because the nature of a typical Garage can makes it easy for a Burglar to potentially attack an Alarm if they realize it is there, quite often using tools or handles that you have sitting inside the same Garage, if they do this to just a Sensor it is to late as the Covert Dialler will still be secretly contacting the key-holders.
The Alarm Sensors would normally be wireless which allows the Dialler to stay hidden away with no cables to use to track the Dialler.
Wired or Wireless ?
Most small Alarms designed for Garages these days are Wireless, which in general make them much easier and quicker to Install, and harder for an Intruder to find a Covert Control Panel if you are using one.
Occasionally if you are very unlucky a Wireless Alarm can be falsely triggered by a random strong Wireless signal from another type of device, this could be from a passing Vehicle, Aircraft or even a neighbour who is perhaps a Radio Ham enthusiast, but these incidents are few and far between and in general there are very few problems with Wireless Alarms.
Silent or Sirens (or both) ?
Different Customers have different thoughts about this, the options really are:
- Loud Sirens (you can have loud Sirens inside the Garage, Outside of the Garage, On a nearby Building or perhaps a combination of them all), this ensures the Burglar and/or Neighbours know the Alarm has been activated. One of the concerns often mentioned by our customers is that they do not want to disturb their Neighbours with loud Sirens if they are away from home, but most modern Alarms will (should) automatically turn OFF after a pre-set duration (making it less of an issue these days).
- Silent (some customers want a Silent Alarm which gives them a chance of catching the Intruder), this can be done by having a Wireless Receiver inside the House (depending on the distance between the Garage and House, distances of 300 – 400 metres can be possible) or a GSM Alarm (that will contact key-holders by Phone & Text).
- Hybrid (some customers like to have a Silent Alarm which allows them to check for Intruders/Burglars) and then a means of Safely activating Loud Sirens from the safety of their House using a SOS Wireless device.
If you can’t justify an Alarm right now, a simple Dummy Siren, Camera or even a Dummy PIR visible through a window of your Garage, or a Sign that may make a potential thief think twice (this would depend on what they think the ‘Risk & Reward’ odds are). These are also affordable and sensible additions to any Alarm you are thinking of fitting.
Other Security Devices:
If your Garage stores a lot of valuable possessions (value or sentimental) it may be worth considering using two or three devices at the same time (which may work out cheaper and easier to use in some cases) you can make these as simple or complicated as you wish, they may include:
- Outdoor Alarm (loud siren before potential burglars get to the Shed).
- Driveway & Garden Alerts (silent wireless devices that give the homeowner an alert if there are prowlers around).
- CCTV (Wireless – Wi-fi or 4G models).
- Floodlights (Wi-fi models that allow you to be notified by your smart phone in the case of a prowler together with the ability of being able to remotely view the location).
- Door Locks & Chains.
I hope this information may help you decide on the future Security of your Garage, feel free to Contact Us for further advice !!
Intercom 2 to 9 Apartments with Electric Lock Release ‘The New UltraCOM3’

The New UltraCOM3 Apartment & Flat Wireless Intercom has been designed by Ultra Secure Direct following numerous requests from customers who have been unable to find any on the market.
They can be used with 2 to 9 different apartments or flats together with having the ability to operate a Gate or Door release from any of the answering Portable Handsets.
Ideal for applications where running a Cable from the Entrance to each of the Apartments or Flats on a new build is time consuming, messy & costly, or replacing a broken cable on an existing Intercom is just as complicated & expensive.
The Caller Station can communicate with up to nine Apartments & Flats together with being able to operate Electric Gates & Doors from any of the Handsets within the system, multiple Handsets can also be used within any single property should the owners require them.
The Caller Station has a host of features including:
- Can be powered by
- 12v – 24v DC (max 2 amp).
- 4 x C Type Batteries (battery life up to 18 months).
- 12v Plug in Transformer.
- Multi Apartment: can be used with up to 9 Residents or Apartments.
- Clear Backlit Digital Display Screen (which can be used in the following ways:
- Always ON (not recommended when using battery only).
- Touch (screen wakes up upon the touch of any key).
- Low PIR (prox) Movement (screen wakes up when someone walks past at a distance of 2.5 metres).
- High PIR (prox) Movement (screen wakes up when someone walks past at a distance of 5 metres).
- Can Display the Owners (family) name if required.
- Easy & Clear Digital Keypad Programming.
- Impressive Operating Range of 600 metres (line of sight).
- Secure 2-way Digital Communication (cannot be listened into).
- Built in Chime when Pressed: Optional (can be chosen to chime or silent).
- Optional External Aerial (internal aerial built in).
- N/O or N/C Output Relay for operating Electric Gates & Doors (duration time adjustable from 1 – 99 seconds).
- The Relay Outputs can be triggered using:
- The Keypad: 5 Digit Pin.
- Any of the Internal Handsets: During a Call or before a Call if always On Program selected (not recommended when using battery only).
- Adjustable Volume: Yes (1 – 5 programmed within the menu).
- English & French Menus.
- User Keypad (pin) 5 digit Code.
- Management Keypad (pin) 8 digit Code.
- Optional N/O Aux Dry Output Relay (for duration of the chime).
- Weatherproof: Yes (IP 54).
- Colour Options: Yes (Black & Silver Caller Stations & Black & Silver Hoods).
- Low Battery Notification on Caller Station: Yes (shown on the handset with a symbol and a audible beep).
- Multiple Handsets can be used in any of the Nine Apartments (unlimited).
- Visitor Calling Method when used with Multiple Residents (apartments):
- Scroll Up & Down Display Screen.
- Press the Residents (apartment) Number.
The Portable Handsets are charged using the Charging Cradles supplied and are fully portable.
The Handsets have the following features:
- Digital Secure Two-way Communication.
- Chime, Vibration & Flashing Alert (all adjustable).
- Fully Portable.
- Volume Control.
- Multiple Handset Option (no limit to how many handsets can be used by any resident).
- Internal Communication: (for residents using multiple handsets they can be used for internal communication).
- Gate & Door Release Functions.
- Battery Level Indicator.
- Privacy Push to Talk Feature (designed for secure communication).
- Missed Call Indicator.
- 600 metre Operating Range (line of sight).
- UK, EU & U.S Charger supplied.
Contact Ultra Secure Direct for more information about these unique Wireless Intercoms
The U.S Coronado State Chooses Bollards from Ultra Secure Direct
The U.S Coronado State chooses Removable Security Bollards from Ultra Secure Direct based in the UK to increase Security to the 4th of July Parade Against Vehicle Attacks
In light of recent attacks where terrorists have driven a vehicle into a crowd of people, Coronado is adding a layer of security to its Fourth of July celebration.
Three-hundred and fifty security bollards will be placed around the parade route starting at 8 a.m. on the Fourth. Bollards are metal poles that block vehicle access.
The bollards will replace Police barricades and vehicles that were used in years’ past to block the parade route.
“Public safety is our number one priority,” Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey said. “These are a physical barrier that will prevent any car, any truck from entering the parade route where there will be hundreds of thousands of people.”
Mayor Bailey also said the lids to trash cans have been removed to prevent people from hiding any packages or explosives inside.
In the past, one full block on either side of Orange was closed. With the bollards, those streets will be closed from Orange to the alley entrances and the alleys will remain open.
The bollards will be removed following the parade.
The Removable Steel Bollards are supplied in various colour schemes, Coronado selected the highly visible Yellow version, but other options include Black, White & Green.
They Bollards can also be supplied with side mounted Eyelets allowing the use of Chain & Rope to increase Security.
The Bollards are supplied with ground based that are fixed into the ground using cement allowing them to be locked into place using Padlocks.
Click Here to further Media news
These Bollards can be purchased from Ultra Secure Direct, if you require advice please Contact Us by Phone or Email.

“Ultra Secure Direct” Win Awards For Leading Provider of Security Services
Ultra Secure Direct are proud to announce we have been awarded Business Excellence Awards 2022.
Independent Panel:
The independent judging panel from the Business Excellence Team (Acquisition International) have awarded Ultra Secure Ltd the following:
- Best Security Alarms Provider – UK
- Leading Providers of Driveway Alarms 2022
Following on from your recent nomination acceptance in the Business Excellence Awards 2022, the judging panel have made their final decisions and I am delighted to be the one to share the results with you.
Click Here to View the article:
Ultra Secure Ltd are the Leading Provider of Driveway Alarms and are accredited as the UK’s Best Security
Alarms Provider. The company provides innovative security, community and safety equipment solutions such as Outdoor Driveway & Garden Alarms, Indoor GSM Alarms, Wireless & 4G Intercoms, Panic Alarms, Security Posts and Bollards.
Additionally, Ultra Secure always carry a wide range of products, offering off the shelf solutions along with bespoke initiatives, many of which are designed in-house by the Ultra Secure team allowing them to offer great technical support.
Published Article:
The following article was published by acquisition-international in May 2022, please see the content listed below or Click Here to read.
Mark Walter, Managing Director, adds to this, stating, “Honest advice
can even result in losing a sale, but honestly is always first.” A risky
approach to business that has thankfully served well for Mark and the
team at Ultra Secure– an honest salesperson is a trusted one.
B2B and B2C:
Both B2B and B2C customers are served through the company’s
website or through more traditional means of communications such as phone
calls, email or even visiting in person and having a personal consultation allowing
the customer to be sure they are purchasing the correct products.
Because Ultra Secure offer this comprehensive range of services they have been
recognised as being considerably different from the average competitor
by going the extra mile to ensure clients are being heard and understood.
Regarding its products, Mark explains the process by stating, “All
products are tested on the bench before being despatched, and
wherever possible, we carry out basic pairing and programming for the
customer leaving them less to do. Additionally, full after-sales service is
also available for customers needing help.”
Like many businesses, after the past few years, Ultra Secure has
faced several challenges due to Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic,
which let the company operate business differently. The effects of
these problems have created a shockwave of developments from slow
delivery of supplies to a significant increase in cost.
To combat this issue, Mark states, “We worked through the lockdowns
as our service range includes products such as intercoms which are
used by business to keep safe, these customers include the NHS &
Doctor Surgeries. We also designed and made unique Visual Traffic
Light for use in the entrances of all types of business; an example
can be found on our website using reference number 009-4730;
we were one of the very first companies to make these, long before
supermarkets started to introduce them.
For Ultra Secure, the plan for the business’s future is to continue growing
its product range to service customers effectively, efficiently and with
the best quality materials, along with excellent customer service. With
five new projects currently in the works for Ultra Secure, the company
is looking to the new year with hope. Backed by years of successful
achievements, Ultra Secure has pushed through the market-leading the
industry with revolutionary services and a heart-warming smile.
Contact details are listed below, for support or advice please Contact Us !!
Company Name: Ultra Secure Limited
Contact Name: Mark Walter
Web Address:
Contact Email:
If you need Advice on your Home & Business DIY Security & Communication products please Contact US
Fuel Theft on the Rise – 2022
With the spiralling cost of Fuel in 2022 thieves are once again being tempted back into the profitable (and often easy) practise of stealing Fuel (Diesel, Petrol & Heating Oil).
Although this Crime has never really gone away, now the prices have gone through the roof it means there is even more profit in it for these undesirables, without the need of them taking any more Risks (remember the Risk & Reward principle).
Quite often the tanks that the Fuel is stored in are in either rural locations (with easy access and escape routes) or hidden away within a garden of a domestic application (who wants to see a fuel tank when you looking out of your window or sitting at your BBQ).
There are Alarms that can notify you if your Fuel starts dropping to fast, but quite often this is to late, the tank may already have a broken lock on an access lid or even worse a punctured (drilled) skin causing an environment disaster together with extreme costs (not to mention future insurance problems).
There is nothing wrong in having a Fuel loss Alarm, but there is a strong argument to also have some Security around the location of the Tank trying to deter the would be thief before they have actually created any Damage or Financial Loss.
There are now a multitude of Security devices (many suitable for DIY Installation) that can help you protect and monitor the this area around the Tank, listed below are some examples:
Remote locations with no on site Security (examples being a Farm Yard, Business Yard).
There are now Cameras operating on the 4G Networks that allow you to Safely & Easily Monitor, Communicate & Record (even in the most remote locations) through your mobile devices (phone or tablets). They can be powered by Battery & Solar Panels for locations with No Power, or 12v DC for locations with access to a Power supply.
It is possible to use Battery GSM Alarms that can be used in many different ways, examples could be to monitor a Door or Lid being opened, a Pressure Mat on the Ground, a PIR inside a restricted area.
If triggered the Alarm would contact the owners by Phone and/or Text either Covertly or with optional Remote Sirens.
Another useful method is to deploy GSM Perimeter Alarms on the approach to the location of the Fuel Tank, there are various types of Sensors that can be used ranging from:
- Hidden Metal Detectors, these only pick up moving Steel (vehicles or gates) which are ideal for locations with Animals present.
- Laser Beams, these are very accurate detection beams and can be used to protect a single entrance or with multiple units protecting part or all of the Perimeter.
The Detectors are normally Battery or Solar Powered (for easy installation), whilst the Receiver & Dialler can be powered by Battery or Mains (depending on what alarm is chosen).
These would also contact owners by Phone and/or Text, again these can be used as Covert or with optional Remote Sirens.
Some customers will choose not to have communication to their Phone and just rely (or prefer) on making lots of noise and/or turning bright Lights On in the event of an Intrusion (this will often deter the less serious thief).
Two examples are Here and Here, there are other variations and choices on the market (contact Ultra Secure for Advice if required).
Domestic locations (inside a Garden or Yard within 100 metres of the House):
All of the above Alarms can also be used in Domestic applications, especially when the Grounds are large, but there are also more basic devices that can be used:
A simple Wireless Driveway Alarm can also be useful, these can come in various forms with the most common a Battery PIR and an Inside Chime Receiver, with the PIR monitoring the approach to the Fuel Tank or the Fuel Tank itself.
It is possible to use more than one PIR, there may be two or three protecting the Fuel Tank, or one protecting the Fuel Tank and another one or two being using in different parts of your property (driveway for example).
You can also add external Sirens, Bells or Lights to some Driveway Alarms.
The downside of a Wireless Driveway Alarm is that it will not inform you if you are not at home, although you could still have Sirens, Bells & Lights active which can prove to be a deterrent.
Wireless Perimeter Alarms (when gsm modules are not deployed) work very similar to the Wireless Driveway Alarms as discussed above, the main difference being that the typical Sensors (laser sensors have a longer detection pattern) allowing you to protect larger areas, although PIR’s can also be added to these systems when small additional areas need covering.
The ideal would be to monitor or protect the full Perimeter, or at least all of the vulnerable Perimeter areas.
Another simple idea is to have a Battery powered Siren Alarm located near your Fuel Tank, these can be used to protect the area around the Fuel Tank, if any of the PIR’s (multiple can be used) detect movement (when armed) the Siren which would be mounted out of reach would activate.
Again these would not inform you if you are not at home (or on site), or to far away to hear the Siren, but may deter the casual Thief.
For locations where the Fuel Tank is very close to the House (which is the majority of customers) simple IP Cameras can be deployed to monitor the Fuel Tank.
These can be programmed to alert your Phone (by push notification or email) if movement is detected next to the Tank, allowing you to log into the Camera using your device to View, Talk (2 way communication) or trigger built in Sirens.
The Cameras can be set to Record once movement has been detected or manually using your device once logged in.
The IP Cameras can be powered by Mains, 12v DC or Battery.
Other Security Ideas:
Make your Fuel Tank less visible (don’t let it draw attention to potential thieves), one word of warning though, by doing this you can also give a thief a sheltered & not overlooked Fuel Tank to steal from, therefore a Perimeter Alarm would be a sensible addition to this solution.
If you can’t (or do not want to) hide your Fuel Tank away, then sensible Security Fencing can help protect the Tank, or at least make it harder for the Thief, obviously more popular in commercial applications than the domestic situation.
Security Lighting:
Security Lighting is invaluable in making a potential thief feel uncomfortable, but thought should be given to what type of lighting is used and to the location of the lights, in our opinion it is far better to have a few low power lights than one or two very powerful ones, powerful Security Lighting can (if not positioned correctly) can create large dark shadows, ideal for a potential thief to use for cover.
You can also now purchase Security Lighting with built in Covert CCTV.
Decoy (Dummy CCTV):
Decoy (dummy) CCTV Camera’s can be used where it is impractical or just not possible to fit a working CCTV system, or can be used as a cost effective addition to other Security measures you are using to help to protect your Fuel Tanks.
Security Signs:
One or more Security Signs can be a very cost effective addition to your Security measures placed around your Fuel Tank.
We hope this overview gives you a better understanding of potential Security devices that could be deployed without having to spend large sums of money to help Secure your Fuel Tank, even if you do not want to fit a system yourself it will give you far better understanding when talking to potential Security Installers about what you may want & how much you would expect to pay.
It may also be more beneficial to deploy two or three affordable Security Systems in & around your Fuel Tank rather than one large, complicated & expensive system.
One Theft could result in hundreds or thousands of pounds in loss and damage !!
If you would like further advice about possible Security solutions for your vulnerable Fuel Tanks, then Ultra Secure Direct are happy to do this via Telephone, Email or Live Chat, click here for full contact details.
By Mark Walter Google
Can I use a House Alarm if I have Cats
We often get asked if it is possible to use a House Alarm while having Cats, the answer is Yes, but only if thought is taken about the Type & Location of Sensors before purchasing.
Full Run of the House:
The first question to consider is, will you be giving the Cat or Cats the Free Run of your House during times that you would consider Arming the Alarm:
- If the answer is Yes, then we have to think carefully about what type of Sensors to use and where to use them.
- If the answer is No, then we can use standard Alarm Sensors in the locations where the Cats will not be present whilst the Alarm is Armed, together with carefully selecting the correct Sensors for the locations where the Cats will be present. Some customers will even decide not to use Sensors in the locations the Cats will be in, but this is very much dependant on the layout of the House and the Risk involved in not protecting these areas.
Type of Cat Sensors available:
These are a few different Sensors that can be used to avoid False Alarms caused by Cats, please see examples below:
Door & Window Contacts:
These Magnetic Contacts are designed to monitor a Door or Window being physically opened, a great device to prevent False Alarms from Cats & other Animals, there are various models available, both Wireless & Wired depending on the Alarm System you choose to use, in my opinion the best Sensor to use for Houses with Cats.
Please Click Here to View the details about fitting these type of Sensors.
Pet Friendly PIR’s:
Pet Friendly PIR’s are designed to detect body weight (mass) over a certain weight, for example these Wireless Pet Friendly PIR’s are designed to detect animals weighing over 10 KG, the average domestic Cat would average 3.5 – 5 KG.
But this is not an exact science as other factors may come into effect, such as:
- You may have two Cats in the House, so in general they should not be a problem, but these two Cats may decide to play or fight with each other at any given time, therefore collectively passing the PIR as one mass, they may also be in a heightened state of excitement so both giving off more Heat (or radiation).
- The same logic would be used if you have more than two Cats, and I guess more chance of these episodes actually happening.
The main argument for using a PIR against a Magnetic Contact would be if the location in mind has multiple Door or Windows making it expensive to use multiple Contacts.
Please Click Here to view general information about fitting PIR’s.
Vibration Sensors:
Vibration sensors are very similar to the Magnetic Contacts, in fact some Vibration sensors can also double up as a Magnetic Contact. They are designed to help protect Doors & Windows and will trigger if there is a sudden and violent shock to the Door or Window they are protecting (for example someone trying to force them open).
Many people prefer these as they can trigger the Alarm before the potential Burglar has managed to open the Door or Window.
We would however recommend purchasing a Vibration Sensor that has built in sensitivity adjustments, as some can be too sensitive and can be falsely triggered, the typical false trigger could be caused by:
- A Bus or Lorry driving past the Door or Window at high speed.
- A Ball hitting a Window.
- High Winds & Storms.
But if there is adjustable sensitivity they can be adjusted to suit the application.
Curtain PIR’s:
There are some PIR’s that are designed to create a very narrow Beam, therefore when fitted Vertically (pointing down to the floor) they create a detection pattern that resembles a long curtain, if mounted horizontally they can provide a wide detection area which can be above the height of a Cat on the floor (ensuring there is no furniture in the location that the Cat could climb onto).
These can be useful in some applications when Cats are present, but care needs to be taken before deciding to use them, if in doubt contact a Security supplier for advice.
Type of Alarms:
Apart from choosing the correct type of Alarm Sensors and best location for these Sensors, you can choose to use many different Alarm Systems available on the market today, some of the options include:
- GSM (these alarms will use a built in SIM Card and contact owners & key-holders by Phone or Text).
- Wireless or Wired (you can choose to have the more convenient Wireless Alarms or go for a Wired Alarm which is a lot more involved in the Installation).
- Siren Only (you can choose to have a Alarm with just loud Internal or/and External Sirens).
If you Need Advice, please Contact Ultra Secure Direct for Advice !!
- Telephone: 0044 (0) 1604 589414 (8am – 5pm Monday to Friday, UK Time).
- Email:
- Website:
- Visit: 10 Ryehill Court, Lodge Farm I/E, Northampton, England, NN5 6QW.