With the Covid-19 Lockdown has come an unprecedented ownership of Pets, with Dogs probably being the most popular.
But sadly the side effect of this popularity is an unprecedented rise in prices, which in turn makes it far more appealing to the wrong type of people, some have realised that they can steal a Dog with little risk of being caught and they can easily make a tidy profit. These people work on the theory of Risk & Reward.
The thefts have varied from the outright brute force carried whilst vulnerable owners are walking the dogs, some have been hiding in locations where they can snare a dog that has been let of the lead, some stolen from Kennels and Back Gardens. There has even been reports of false RSPCA vans taking Dogs, the list is endless.
Dogs are not easy to protect from these Crimes, but some things can be used to try and reduce the possibility of being a victim, these include:
- Get the Dog Chipped (information from Battersea), unfortunately you cannot track a dog from these implants.
- Have a Driveway Alarm protecting the entrance to your Garden or Driveway.
- Have a Gate Alarm or Alert.
- Fit a Perimeter Alarm for the larger establishments.
- Fit Wi-fi or 4G Cameras.
- Wear a Tracker with 2-way Communication (for quick communication and safety for yourself whilst out).
- Carry a Self-defence Spray or a Very Loud Gas Powered Personal Alarm.
It is also advisable if you can walk in more public parks and try not to walk on your own, but this is not always possible or desirable.
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