Out of Bounds 100 metre Perimeter Alert System
Solar Powered 'Out of Bounds' or 'Restricted Area' Wireless Perimeter Alert System, designed to inform Staff or Security that someone has breached a restricted boundary, No Power is required therefore can easily be fitted in any location.
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Solar Powered 'Out of Bounds' or 'Restricted Area' Wireless Perimeter Alert System, designed to inform Staff or Security that someone has breached a restricted boundary, No Power is required therefore can easily be fitted in any location.
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Solar Powered 'Out of Bounds' or 'Restricted Area' Wireless Perimeter Alert System, designed to inform Staff or Security that someone has breached a restricted boundary, No Power is required therefore can easily be fitted in any location.
In the event of someone passing through the set of Beams (which can be mounted up to 100 metres apart) a built in 80 Decibel Siren will activate for 5 seconds (but remain fully armed) to alert Staff, Security & the person concerned.
The Beams (often called laser beams) can be wall or pole mounted, and need to lined up directly looking at each other, they can work effectively up to 100 metres apart.
They are battery powered, being charged and maintained by the built in Solar Panels (therefore can be installed easily & quickly in locations) although they do have an additional charging port should they need a boost charge due to a lengthy duration of no or little sun.
If additional notification is required in other locations, the following products can be added to the system, which can be located up to 900 metres away:
DA600+ Solar Powered Wireless Siren & Strobe works directly with all of our DA600+ Wireless Alarms (no power required).
Additional Indoor Long Range 4 Channel Wireless Receiver for use with all DA600+ Wireless Perimeter & Driveway Alarms, it has a 900 metre working range, 4 x Dry Relays and 1 x 12 volt DC Output, can operate with up to 128 sets of detectors.
Additional Wireless 4 x Channel Receiver (supplied with 2 x Remote Controls) for use with all DA600+ Wireless Perimeter & Driveway Alarm Systems.
Wireless Repeater or Signal Booster for use with all DA600+ Alarms, it increases the operating distance between Detectors & Receivers by 900 metres.
Additional DA600+ Wireless Solar Powered PIR, up to 32 can be used with this Wireless Driveway & Garden Alarm System.
Additional Solar Powered Wireless 1B-60 Perimeter Detector Beams (DA600+) with Dual Detection Technology, 60 metre Detection & 400 metre Transmission.
A unique Dummy (false) PIR can be used as a visual Deterrent with or without a working Driveway Alarm.
Additional Battery Powered DA600+ Wireless PIR, ideal for locations where Solar Charging may be impractical, can be used with all of our DA600+ Driveway & Perimeter Alarms.
Out of Bounds Perimeter Beam System:
Easy Programming Method:
These unique Wireless Perimeter 'Out of Bounds' or 'Restricted Area' Beams can be used in many types of Security & Safety applications, a few examples listed below: