Our range includes a comprehensive selection of security lighting, emergency lights, and flashlights. Each product is designed to enhance safety and security, ensuring visibility during power outages or in dimly lit areas. Whether for residential, commercial, or industrial use, our lighting solutions provide reliable illumination and peace of mind, helping to safeguard your property and loved ones in various situations.


Security Lighting

Security Lighting located in the most suitable locations is recommended at all Homes and Business premises, it is personal choice on what type & strength of Light you use. Some customers will want them as bright as possible, others choosing low light.

Bright Lights will illuminate more of the immediate area up, but at the same time creating shadows which could potentially be used to hide in. Low lighting will not give you the problems with shadows but you would probably require more lights to give you the coverage.

Most of the Lighting is mains powered with built in PIR's which automatically switches the lights on when movement is detected, although there are Solar Powered models available which are easier to install, but normally have a lower light level.

Lights can be purchased using the traditional halogen bulbs although the new breed of LED lights create better lighting, with far longer life.


All homes should have at least one quality Torch on hand, these can be used for Security & Safety applications, again we would recommend using the new breed of LED Torches.

Tactical Flashing Strobe

Many of our larger LED Torches have the option to switch the LED to very bright and rapid flashing Strobe Lights which can be a great self protection tool.

Supposed your Driveway Alarm goes off and you go outside to investigate only to find an Intruder, you can switch the Torch Beam to the Tactical Flashing Mode which can disorientate the person for long enough for you to get to a safe location, or you may be just out walking at night only to be approached by a suspicious person where you can deploy the same Tactical Flashing Mode.

Emergency Lighting

We have Lights that will automatically switch on in the event of a mains power failure, these can be wall mounted units as used in commercial applications to small plug in Torches that can sit happily in a kitchen, hall or bedroom.

Our opening times: Monday / Friday: 8am-5:00pm

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