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Battery Covert GSM Scaffold Alarm

UltraDIAL Battery powered Wireless 3G GSM Scaffold Alarm System, will contact key-holders by Telephone & SMS when triggered, it works in conjunction with Wireless Battery powered PIR's and Wireless Solar Sirens.

UltraDIAL Battery powered Wireless 3G GSM Scaffold Alarm System, will contact key-holders by Telephone & SMS when triggered, it works in conjunction with Wireless Battery powered PIR's and Wireless Solar Sirens.


The Alarm system consists of a battery powered weatherproof Silent (covert) Wireless GSM Module, which is Armed and Disarmed by Remote Control (from up to 100 metres away) and a number of Outdoor Wireless PIR's together with the option of adding a Solar Siren.

The unique Battery powered PIR's are supplied with a black rubber hood designed to narrow the Detection Beam down to reduce False Alarms, they also have a built in Siren. There is no limit to how many PIR's are used with each system, and no problem with the Wireless signal as each PIR will relay the signal to the next, this allows to to protect all sides of a building if required.

If any PIR is triggered, it will activate the Sirens on all of the PIR's, resulting in lots of noise around the building to deter the Intruder whilst leaving the GSM module to secretly and silently contact key-holders.

The PIR's do have a small mounting bracket, but we would recommend simply attaching them to the scaffold using cable ties, this makes it quick and easy to install.

You can also add one or more Solar Sirens to this Scaffold Alarm.

The UltraDIAL is powered by 3 x AA Lithium Batteries and will contact up to three Key-holders (with your pre-recorded message) by Telephone & SMS (although you can choose to turn off either off) once activated, it can be fully disarmed by pressing # on the Receiving Telephone or reset (therefore stop calling other key-holders but remain fully armed) by pressing * on the Receiving Telephone.

It can be programmed to send the primary key-holder a status report at 9am every Monday morning, and will also send a message to the primary key-holder if the batteries are getting low.

This is a flexible and affordable modular Wireless GSM Alarm System ideal for all types of Scaffold applications, and can easily be moved from site to site. Each site would dictate to how many PIR's & Sirens are required, the PIR's not used on the smaller sites will not affect the performance of the Alarm.

The secret of using this Alarm is to safely hide the UltraDIAL away from sight or reach, letting it call key-holders without anyone knowing, in the meantime the PIR'sSirens are making all the Sound. If you want to keep the complete Alarm Silent, then you can do this by adding UltraPIR's and using them without the SIM Card and in Silent mode.

The system can also be used away from Scaffold applications in many different applications, some are listed below:

  • Remote Gates.
  • Remote Gateways & Entrances.
  • Remote Buildings.
  • Caravans (including a leg tilt switch).
  • Boats (water & intruder).
  • Sheds.
  • Garages.
  • Remote Water Alarms.
  • New Build.
  • Remote Buildings.
  • Simple GSM Dialler attached to an existing Alarm Panel (intruder or fire).

The UltraDIAL GSM Alarm Host is designed as a Covert Alarm, and we recommend is it hidden safely away from sight and reach allowing it to silently contact key-holders without the Intruder even being aware.

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