Ultra Secure have developed a simple and efficient surveillance system on the market. Free from constraints in setup, installation, and usage (eliminating the need for complex cable, network, or camera power management), the UltraCAM system supports up to 8 cameras simultaneously. This system is perfect for quickly and durably equipping your home, apartment, holiday home, business, construction sites.
4G Control Box: 4G Network Connection (nano-SIM required) Provides internet access to the cameras High-resistance IP65 casing Integrated Backup Battery 12V Transformer (included) Camera: 4MP SuperHD (2560x1440 resolution) Built-in Microphone Wireless (2.4Ghz/5Ghz) 30 Metres Night Vision
4G Network Connection (nano-SIM required) Provides internet access to cameras High-resistance IP65 casing Wireless setup via phone/computer Anti-interference 12V Transformer (included)
4G Network Connection (nano-SIM required) Provides internet access to cameras High-resistance IP65 casing Integrated Backup Battery (in case of power outage) Wireless setup via phone/computer Anti-interference 12V Transformer (included)