Ultra Secure offers a variety of posts, bollards, and accessories that are meticulously designed to enhance the security of your vehicles, protect your residential / commercial property, or conveniently reserve your parking space. We provide four primary categories of posts: fold down, removable, fully telescopic, and static. Feel free to get in touch with us for helpful and obligation-free advice on choosing the right post for your specific needs.
Large Imposing Heavy Duty Removable Security Post, complete with Lifting Handles, Reflective Strips & Padlock, ideal for helping to secure Commercial Entrances, Doors & Gateways.
Steel Chain Eyelet fitted to a Parking Post.
Additional Ground Base & Locking Tool for the 100P Removable Security Post with universal Locking Tool.
Affordable Fold Down Parking Post & Rent This Space Sign, designed for helping customers rent their valuable parking space out, together with a simple method of managing it after. Supplied with a top located Lock & 2 keys.
TP-80 Fully Telescopic Security & Parking Post with a reflective strip, locks into the upright position with a catch and padlock, and is safely flush to the ground when not in use.
Heavy Duty Removable Green Security Post, supplied with a locking padlock and ground spigot, when the post is not is use a hinged lid covers the ground spigot making it safe for pedestrians and vehicles to cross.
Two Large Imposing Heavy Duty Removable 140P Security Posts & Chain Kit, ideal for protecting & covering wider areas with just two Posts. Complete with Lifting Handles, Reflective Strips & Padlock.
900 mm High, 76 mm Diameter Galvanised (with Blue Stripes) Fold Down Parking Post, with a host of features including Integral Lock, Top Mounted Eyelet, Anti-tamper Base & Pivot mechanism.
Large Steel Spigot Designed Yellow Static Bollard, 1.3 metre Tall (including spigot which will be fixed into the ground) by 140 mm Diameter.
Heavy Duty Static Yellow Steel 120 FB Security Bollard with a built in Stainless Steel Reflective Strip, often used in conjunction with the matching Removable Security Post. This Slight Second Post has very minor imperfections on the Paintwork.
Large Heavy Duty Outdoor Security Warning Sign 'Warning Security Device In Operation'.
6 x M8 Tarmac Bolts used for fitting Parking Posts, Bollards & Street Furniture to Tarmac Surfaces.
6 x M10 Tarmac Bolts used for fitting Parking Posts, Bollards & Street Furniture to Tarmac Surfaces.
RB-200 Telescopic Post: Fully Telescopic. No Parking Logo. Flush to the ground when Lowered. Integral Lock & 2 x Keys. Keyed Alike or Keyed to Differ. Lock Protection Flap.
6 x M12 Tarmac Bolts designed to secure Fold Down Parking Posts to Tarmac Surfaces.
Additional Ground Base for use on all of the 120P Removable Security Posts/Bollards, designed for easily storing the Post when it is not being deployed.
Stylish H/D Locking Removable 120 PY Security Bollard/Post, with a reflective Stainless Steel Strip, ideal in front of any Home or Business Premises.
Spare Base for the Bolt Down Lockable Bollard, for customers wanting additional bases in particular installations.
Removable Round Section Galvanised Security Post, 76 mm Diameter, 900 mm High with a top mounted Chain Eyelet (please note: sorry, out of stock !!).
Heavy Duty Removable Parking Post, supplied with a universal Locking Key and ground spigot, when the post is not is use a hinged lid covers the ground spigot making it safe for pedestrians and vehicles to cross.